CANCHAM Pharmaceutical Sector Meeting Highlights – Canada Ghana Chamber of Commerce

CANCHAM Pharmaceutical Sector Meeting Highlights

On May 7th, the pharmaceutical companies within the Canada Ghana Chamber of Commerce (CANCHAM) gathered at the secretariat for a roundtable discussion. The meeting aimed to highlight some of the opportunities and challenges in the pharmaceutical industry. Representatives from four pharmaceutical companies—Base Pharmacy, Stereda Pharmacy, Asanbeck Pharmacy, and Jodan Pharmacy—participated in the meeting. Ms. Audrey Serwaa Bonsu, CEO of the Ghana National Chamber of Pharmacy, was present at the meeting. Speaking to the members she outlined the Chamber’s efforts in advocating for its members’ interests, tax reduction and policy adjustments. Ms. Bonsu also emphasized the Chamber’s commitment to proactively seek partnerships and collaborations with both local and international companies. The aim of these collaborations is to foster beneficial business opportunities for all concern. She highlighted successful initiatives such as VAT exemption on about 500 imported finished products and streamlined FDA registration processes, which have significantly reduced costs and procedural complexities for members.

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