Cancham delegation to Japan Motors New Ultra-Modern Nissan Assembly Plant – Canada Ghana Chamber of Commerce

Cancham delegation to Japan Motors New Ultra-Modern Nissan Assembly Plant

The Canada Ghana Chamber of Commerce Secretariat led a delegation to tour Japan Motors New Ultra-Modern Nissan Assembly Plant in the industrial city of Tema. The Nissan Assembly Plant is a partnership between Japan Motors of Ghana and Nissan Motors Corporation and was commissioned by His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo Addo President of the Republic of Ghana in March 2022. The delegation had the opportunity to witness the assembling of the new Nissan Navara and the Peugeot 3008 sports utility vehicle (SUV). The production manager in his briefing stated that the plant has the capacity to produce 31,666 vehicles annually but currently they are producing 11,593 units of vehicles which is below their capacity. In order to enable the plant to operate at full capacity and create more jobs he urged corporate entities who require pick-ups for their businesses to purchase the new Nissan Navara built in Ghana.


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